So i decide to go to Putrajaya Challenge Park or Putrajaya Cabaran Park.. or wuteva
at first i just want to have a date with miz norco onli.. ( yela.. ade org tu asyik bz jer org ajk jumpe pn xnak.. :-P ) but end-up, both of my bro want to follow.. Oklah gak.. kasi diorg tahu cmner mengayuh mountain bike neh.. i think this is the first time three of us go mountain biking together.. usually only me in the family..
Arrive at 9.30am, we start to angkat-our-bike to the top of the hill.. sampai atas je, dah pancit.. belum kayuh lagi tu... hari pun dah panas.. tu la.. sapa suruh dtg lambat..
then, i ask both of my bro go to XC trail (cross county)... kasi diorg biasa dulu, while me layan trail.. trail.. trail.. aper tah diorg panggil, aku pun xtahu.. aku panggil trail freeride cukup lah.. mana tahu diorg ader specific name ker..
Then, after long minutes, they arrive back at the starting point with bunch of other guys and mr. haziq want to try miz norco... so i give it to him lah.. mr Q hanya duduk kepenatan.. LOL
Cuak juga mr haziq berkate.. hahahahahha.. xper2, first timer..
aku pun kdg2 cuak gak.. tu yg kdg2 terkangkang2 jugak.. maklumlah kami bukan pro.. hanya ordinary guys looking for some trill.. huhuhu
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